Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Enchaned Polish Congratulatons to our winner!!!

Hey there polish friends! I returned from vacations and finally haveb a chance to sit down and do a blog post! Today's post will be the announcement of the giveaway winner, and to show you a Congratulations in honor of announcing the winner!

And now to announce our winner of $20 worth of Charming products!

Now on to what I think is a highly under-rated Enchated Polish. Congratulations is a beautiful light holo polish with hints of pink, beige, and browns. I absolutely love this polish! I am not a brown polish wearer. usually brown looks awful on me, but this polish looks stunning on me, and it has moved into the category of one of my favorite Enchanted Polishes. This polish is one of those Enchanted polishes that you have to be lucky to get in a restock, or from a stockist, or from online swaps and sales. I see this polish offered quite often in sale groups on Facbook.

Now onto the photos!

This is an indoor shot, under my lamp. You can see a copperish color, bronze color, a pink or light rose tone, and the holo rainbow.
Enchanted Polish Congratulations
These next two photos are both outdoors. I was lucky to have full sunshine when I took these photos.

Enchanted Polish Congratulations
Enchanted Polish Congratulations
I was recently asked if I edit my photos, or change the color with tools in photoshop. I do occasionally soften my cuticles when my hands are super dry, but this batch of photos is one I did not have to edit in any way or form. I NEVER edit color.
Until next time! Have a super duper week!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Return to blogging with Charming Handmade Magic

Hello out there in the land of the Internet! I absolutely missed blogging about my nails! I dont have a fancy or sad explanation as to where or what happened that I abandoned my blog, but I do have one none the less because I know some of you ar probably a little curious.

Life happened! My son needed a computer for school and since we couldnt afford a new one, my laptop was given to him as tribute. LOL! I just got it back about a month ago, and now I can return to the world of blogging, and hopefully brining you info, tips, tricks, and beautiful nails you find helpful.

I plan to update the page with a new look by mid July after I return from vacation. I have been working on new images and layouts. Hopefully you will like what I do with the place!

Now, onto something new I have for you. A few weeks ago, a sweet sweet gal named Jamie that I met in the nail polish community quite some time ago, came to me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing some products she was making and preparing to sell. She went on to say she would be opening a shop with products for your nails and cuticles, feet, hands, and other homemade bath items. I was thrilled to try the products out not only because I am a bath and body product hoarder, but because Jamie is an awesome lady! The shop name is Charming, and the theme for the products is adorable! Let's get started!

Charming Handmade Magic

Items I was sent were:
Oatmeal Hand Scrub
Citrus Cuticle Balm
Bergamot & Tea Tree Shower Bomb
Blood Orange & Clove Shower Bomb
Calendulas in the Caribbean mani/pedi soak
Figs and Flowers all natural mani/pedi bomb
Dragon Blood & Strawberries mani/pedi bomb
All items are shown above, with exception of the blood Orange and Clove shower bomb which I used before taking the photo.
The products are referred to as "Spells and Potions" by the maker, and the theme of the line is "Handmade Magic". Jamie included a note with my blogger package even stating she hopes the products bring some "magic" to my day.
Lets start with the Oatmeal Hand Scrub. First of all, let me start off by saying that I have never heard of, or seen a scrub like this.
Charming Oatmeal Hand Scrub

The great thing about this scrub is that it is SOOOOO moisturizing! It smells like oatmeal cookies. The smell is not too strong though, and a light scent of oatmeal cookie lingers on your hands after use. It is very gentle as opposed to some sugar scrubs I have tried.

The combination of using the Oatmeal Hand Scrub and Citrus Cuticle Balm over the course of a week, made a huge difference in my cuticles and the skin on my fingers. I have dry skin and struggle with keeping my cuticles looking nice and smooth for photos. I am very pleased with the look of my cuticles after using these products.

Charming Citrus Cuticle Balm
Another awesome product I received was a couple mani/pedi bombs. My favorite bomb was the Figs and Flowers all natural mani/pedi bomb. The smell was very fragrant, and the scent lingered for quite a few hours after use. I could not quit sniffng my hands!!!

Although the bomb itself wasnt red, the bomb turned a beautiful red color in the water. The fizz lasted quite awhile compared to other bombs I have tried, and the level of oils in the water as the bomb fizzed was a perfect balance.

Charming Figs and Flowers

I used the Blood Orange and Cloves shower bomb before I could take any photos, but I thought I should spare you of photos of my gross feet in the shower by the bomb! To use the shower bomb, you place the bomb on your tub/shower floor away from the drain and out of direct contact with the stream of the shower head. The benefits of these types of bombs are great! Aroma therapy is amazing. If I am feeling really crappy, sometimes smells can cheer me right up! My only complaint about this bomb, was that it was a little on the small side and didnt last a really long time. I did received a larger shower bomb that lasted much longer, but I LOVED the smell of the blood orange an clove bomb so much I never wanted it to end! LOL!

The Calendula in the Carribean mani/pedi soak was a crumble as opposed to a bomb. You can see the actual pieces of the Calendula flower in the crumble! The smell was nice, and I used this soak on my feet. I did not get photos of my feet, but rest assured my feet were soft and smooth after using the crumbles, and my feet smelled heavenly. I also wanted to share the next photos with you so you could get an idea of what my nails and fingers look like after a week of using the products from Charming. Jamie says there will be new products, and I am dreaming of a hand lotion to come soon in the Figs and Flowers scent!! (Hint! Hint! Jamie!!!)

The store is now open, and includes all the products listed above and MANY more. Jamie promises that there are more products to come, including lip scrubs. I will be placing another purchase, because I am in love with how my cuticles and hands are looking and smelling!

For more information, or to make a purchase, check out Charming's pages below.

Instagram: @charminghandmademagic

AND.... how about an awesome giveaway where you can chose your own products form Charming?


Until next time,