Sunday, May 18, 2014

Playing with You Polish Nail Decals!

Hey there followers and friends. Today's post includes some nail decals I was sent from Lauren at You Polish to review. In all honesty I have only ever used chevrons and had not had a chance to experiment with other shapes. You Polish has a ton of different shaped decals. The store also includes some really pretty polishes, lip scrubs, and even a montly sub box. You can find the shop here:
The average price of the decals is $5.50.
I am not he greatest nail artist out there. So, these were a huge help in creating nice looks. I am not going to go into details as to what polishes I use in every case, because I did a no-no and didn't write them all down.
First up, I have these adorable holographic cause ribbons. They applied easily, removed from the backing quite easy, and I was easily able to lay them flat on my very curvy nails. My only complaint with these is that I have tiny pinky nails, and this was a little large for them. I managed to make it work though.
Next up, I have some tree branches with birds. They are a lavender color. These applied easy, but I had a bit of trouble getting them off the backing. The leafy end of the branches are delicate. So when removing them from the backing be very careful. I trimmed off the excess branch from around my cuticles.
I also had a little difficulty getting creative with these. I think you could use the branches for a negative space paint job, but I wanted to be sure I captured the leafy end on my nails.
Next up is anchors, waves, and mermaids. The anchors are gray, the waves are white, and the mermaids are yellow. I used the waves to attempt a negative space paint job. The others I used and applied like stickers. This came out cute, even though I had a creative block. I would recommend you use a toothpick to remove the anchors and slide the end underneath and lift it a little at a time. I tore my first one using tweezers.
Next up are the chevrons. These are great for negative space manicures and looks. They went on easy, came off the backing easily, and came off easy when removing them.
Finally, my FAVORITE look! The little sunglasses are super duper cute. I am a HUGE fan of the yellow smiley faces. I HAD to pull out KB Shimmer Blinded by the Bright for this look. Again I used a toothpick because I tore the first two trying to get them off the backing. The bridge of the glasses is delicate.
Overall, these were very nice decals. I would recommend them to my polish friends. Although the couple of times I ripped decals removing them from the backing, that was the users fault, and not the fault of the decals or the backing. I am too rough on teeeeny things! :P I have a couple more to show you next week too.
What do you think of nail decals and vinyls? Do you have any? Let me know what you think in the comments. Also, don't forget about my giveaway going on here:
Visit You Polish on Facebook here:
 Until next time!~

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I won a giveaway-So I am having a Giveaway!

HI there again!!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!! Mine is uneventful because the weather is not playing nice!

Don't ever say you never win anything!!! A couple of weeks ago, I entered a giveaway at Life With Angie. It was for a brand new bottle of Enchanted Polish, Hello New York! I WON!!!! I was in shock! I have entered hundreds of giveaways, and have won nothing. This time was my turn! :)

So today I want to share the link with you to Life with Angie, and show you my prize. THEN, there will be a giveaway for a prize from me!

First of all visit Life with Angie and show her some love!
Second of all, I want to show you this gorgeous polish I won!
This is Hello New York, over black. These photos are in full sunlight, outdoors. One coat, topped with KB Shimmer Clearly on Top.
This photo is my favorite of the bunch. You can see the shift in colors. Green, orange, and yellow!

 Close-up view
What do you think of this beauty? I love this and will be using it in the fall!! I have been wanting this polish for awhile since I am a New York girl (Born and raised).
Now for my giveaway! :) You can enter below for your chance to win one of three prize packages. This is for US residents only (I will ship to a US mule).
Prize 1:
$25 Gift Certificate for Llarowe
Prize 2:
$15 Gift Certificate to Etsy
Prize 3:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Take a Look at What You Have... KB Shimmer Summer Fun Manicures!

Hello polish lovers! I hope your hump day is going well. Mine isn't going too bad!

I have a son who is a Shriners' patient in Boston (I live in Oklahoma), who has been undergoing procedures there since he was nine. He is now 17, almost 18. He has a deforming birthmark that covers 70% of his face. We found out late last week that he would be having two procedures this summer. One will be one of his routine laser procedures, the other is going to be extensive reconstruction of his lips, because of the growth he is experiencing. The photo is of him and me last year. He is going to be a senior next year!!! WHAT???

Anyhow, because of the amount of money I will have to put towards travel this summer to get him to those appointments, I am on a VERY STRICT no buy. Don't get me wrong, it is totally worth it for my child, but at the same time, it makes looking at all these new summer collections very hard! Especially when it comes to KB Shimmer! So, when this happens, I like to revisit my stash and find summer colors I can use this season without having to go out and buy new collections right away. It does help ease a little bit of the anxiety of not being able to buy. I also like experimenting with nail art before a holiday approaches, so I can figure out exactly what I want to wear on my nails for the special day. Since my hubby is a disabled veteran, one of our favorite holidays is Independence Day (4th of July)! So, I have some really cool nail art to show you in celebration, that may end up being my nails for the holiday.

OK, now onto the fun stuff, the polishes I chose!

First up, I recently surpassed my 50 points on KB Shimmers store rewards. With those points, I was able to grab Blinded by the Bright. An extremely fun neon yellow color with different sized red, yellow, blue, and green hex glitters. I did not need undies for this polish, and the neon yellow stood out like a turd in a punch bowl!!! (I have always wanted a reason to say that!) HAHAHA! Anyhow, I love neons for summer, and this polish makes the cut! The glitter is not so jam packed that application was flawless and easy. The photos are two coats, no undies, and KB Shimmer Clearly on Top top coat.

Shown here with no flash:
With flash: 
Next up, we have my summer favorite polish (for the time being, because I am fickle like that!). This is Pimp My Pride. It is a white crelly base with red and blue hex glitters and teeeeeeeeeny weeeeeeny bar glitters. I am a huge bar glitter hater, HOWEVER, I LOVE LOVE LOVE KB Shimmers teeny tiny bar glitters and have no issue with them. This is two coats, no undies, and KB Shimmer top coat.
Pimp My Pride with no flash:
Pimp My Pride with flash: 
Now, since I think this will be the polish I highlight in my Independence Day mani, I decided to try some nail art on top. Since I have not done the "splatter" method but one time and it was an epic fail... I was determined to get it right.
1. Use coffee stirrer straws
2. Cut the straw to a short length, approx. 2 inches.
3. Short hard blows (now we are sounding like a porno!)
The last time I attempted this, I used a regular straw, and kept it the full length. DISASTEROUS I tell ya!!! I like the way it turned out! I used some of my favorite drugstore/nail art polishes, the blow photographed Sally Hansen Xtreme. The red is, Cherry Red and the Blue is, Blue it! I then top coated the art with KB Shimmer Clearly on Top.
What do you think? Do you sometimes get down because you can't get a new collection coming out? What is your remedy? Do you have your holiday manicures picked out ahead of time for certain holidays or events in your life? Let me know what you think! Comment down below, or join in on the CbC Facebook page! Thanks for stopping by!
Until Next Time~

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Walk, Don't Run... to the Glam Polish website!

HELLLLLO there friends!!! Before I show you these wonderful polishes from Glam Polish today, I want to address something about my photos and myself. I have seen some controversy over "swatchers" and "cuticle care". I am not perfect. I do not pretend to be. My cuticles go through rough stages. Today's swatches are no exceptions. For some reason the last couple of days my cuticles are not behaving. I am oiling and moisturizing several times a day. Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that today, my cuticles are not perfect, and they are really giving me a fuss lately.

Now, onto these awesome polishes!!

A little over a week ago I saw Glam Polish post that she had polishes being discontinued. I went to her site to see what she had and noticed many that had been on my wish list were now being listed as discontinued. If you are wanting some of her older glitter polishes, I HIGHLY recommend you get over to her website and order some. The shipping was a little high, but with those clearance prices, how can you "Beat it"?

(and for my friend Kim...)

OK, up first is Light Up My World. It is a yellow crelly base with various pink and green glitters of various sizes. I struggle with glitter polishes unless they are being used as a topper, but this went on smooth and easy. This is two coats topped with KB Shimmer Clearly on top.
Glam Polish Light up My World

Glam Polish Light up My World

Glam Polish Light up My World
Next up, I have for you the very pretty Funhouse. This is probably my favorite from the ones I ordered. It is a white crelly with purple hexes and tiny glitters, pink hexes and tiny glitters, and some round light pink glitters. This polish applied nicely. There was no fishing for glitters. Although the first coat was a little patchy because I brushed it on rather than dab it on, it leveled out on the second coat. This is two coats with KB Shimmer Clearly on Top as my top coat.
Glam Polish Funhouse

Glam Polish Funhouse

Glam Polish Funhouse
The final Glam Polish I have for you today is Mars Attacks. I am not really a huge fan of "shaped" glitters, but I wanted this one for the color combinations! It is a light blue crelly base with different sizes and shapes of pink, green, yellow, and blue glitters. The added bonus is pink butterflies!! I actually really loved the added butterflies. This formula was also very nice. I did not have to fish for butterflies! This is two coats again with the same KB Shimmer top coat.
Glam Polish Mars Attacks

Glam Polish Mars Attacks

Glam Polish Mars Attacks

Glam Polish Mars Attacks
I will be buying more Glam Polish in the future. These are super cute and the formula was great. Have you tried Glam Polish? Which ones do you have or love? I highly recommend you RUN to Glam Polish's store and get some of these awesome discontinued and clearance items before they are gone!
The Glam Polish site is located here:
The Glam Polish Facebook page is here:
Until next time~


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Decisions, Decisions! My April Favorite Picks

Howdy and Happy Mother's Day!!! I hope all of you are having a fabulous day!

My husband was gone out of town for the first time since the military, and I struggled through. When he returned I was stuck like glue to him for the week and took a break from blogging. Before I disappeared, I had started a blog post about my April favorite things and I am finishing it for you today.

Let's start with China Glaze brights and neons!!! I fell in love with these polishes all over again this month. They are perfect for nail art and summer colors. A couple of them are matte or sheer, which is a pain in the butt, however, some white underneath fixes that issue.

Next up, we have water marbling! I love water marbles, and not just for the look. The challenge and the fact it takes me awhile to complete the mani with concentration helps me focus on something else besides life. It is one way I love to relax. I hadn't done one in awhile, and in April, I did a ton of them! My favorite polishes and colors to marble with are Sally Hansen Xtreme polishes.
Next up, I ordered some nail vinyls in April. OMG!!! Such a fun way to change the look of your mani. If you paint a solid color one day and want to add some pizazz the next, these things are fantastic!!
So, in April I fell in love with green polish. I used to loathe green. I don't even know why, but I always felt green was such an ugly color for polish. Now, I find myself buying all the greens! :P (Also see above mani!) Some of my favorite greens in April were:
Lilypad Lacquer Frogs Alive
Lilypad Lacquer Slimy Limey
Colors by Llarowe Mojito
Colors by Llarowe Young Grasshoppa
I had what seemed like a ton of broken nails this April. The seasons are changing and I think because my nail beds are so dry, they are just breaking off. Orly Nail Repair has come to my rescue all of those times.
In March, I received a wonderful RAOK package from a friend, Jamie. She included this fantastic bottle holder in my package. It is great when the amount of polish gets low in the bottle. I can tilt the bottle and reach the hard to reach stuffs at the bottom of the bottle. I used it ALL THE TIME in April.
Finally, I am a snacker while I paint  my nails. This month, I was walking through Wal-Mart when I came across mini Starbursts. Let me just say not only are they adorable, but they are scrumptious!!! This is my April favorite snack!
Did you discover anything in April that you fell in love with? These items will continue to be on my favorites list through May. Tell me about some of your new discoveries. I might fall in love with something you love!
Until next time~

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What Girl Doesn't Love Purple?... Check out Glittering Elements Voodoo Dolly!

Howdy ladies and germs! What colors are you an absolute sucker for when it comes to polish? For me, it is BUY ALL THINGS PURPLE!!! I get so excited when I find a new purple polish that I do not have.


I seem to be having the same reaction to greens lately too... and to think I used to hate green!!! Anywho, at the beginning of April, Glittering Elements had a nice sale going on. I rallied up some girls from the polish group I help admin, and placed us a group order since it was coming all the way from Australia. I ended up buying four total, for myself. I bought Voodoo Dolly, Rain Dancer, Jennifer (because I must own all polishes named Jennifer, Jenni, Jenny, Jen, Jenn, etc...) , and Minted. I had never bought or tried this brand before this purchase, and was super stoked to get it and try it out!
First of all let's talk about Voodoo Dolly.... IT'S PURPLE!!! Actually it is a blurple and can be a deep dark blue or purple depending on which light you look at it in. It has a beautiful scattered holoness to it, and it had quickly shot up to the top of my fave purples. The formula was super smooth and I could ave easily only done one coat for full coverage, however, I did two as I usually do because I wanted to be sure I had no bald spots or unevenness. I topped this beautifulnees of purple from a bottle with Ellagee Glass Top Coat, which can be purchased here:
Here is Voodoo Dolly with flash:
You can really see the blue pop in this photo:
Voodoo Dolly no flash:
Next up I am sharing Rain Dancer. Rain Dancer is a beautiful teal blue scattered holographic polish. The formula was consistent with that of Voodoo Dolly, smooth and opaque. Two coats plus Ellagee Glass top coat for the following swatches.
Rain Dancer with flash:
Rain Dancer without flash: 
Overall I am VERY pleased with my purchase from Glittering Elements. The polish is very pretty, the formula is very smooth, and the customer service was great. Shipping was also very quick.
If you have never purchased from tem in the past you can do so by visiting here:
You can also check out their Facebook page here:
Do you own any Glittering Elements? Which ones? Would you buy more? Let me know your thoughts in the comments or on the Covered by Color Facebook page!
Until next time~